Afrika Speaks: Government “Gagging Order” Against NOI – What Does Really Mean?

August 7, 2017 Alkebu-Lan


HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174

We begin by extending sincere condolences to the Da Costa family.  Not only are they in the midst of dealing with the June death in police custody of Fredrico “Edson,”  news has emerged that Edson’s mother, Manuela Araujo collapsed in the street on the 3rd of Mosiah and later passed.  Although no official cause of death has yet been given, her family said “she could no longer cope with the death of her son” which “weighed down on her heart.”  May Sis. Manuela rise on the wings of Ma’at after a favourable judgement in the Counsel of Asar. (1)





The Mosiah season is officially open!

At a packed Chestnuts Community Centre , the Mosiah Opening officially initiated the 6257 (2017) Mosiah season.  Pomp and pageantry merged with ritual and celebration with presentations, performances and messages from adults and children made it one of the most dynamic Mosiah openings for some time.  The events was rounded off with the keynote address 30 Years of Alkebu-Lan – Building on the work of the Prophet by Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka, UK Ambassador of the UNIA-ACL, followed by the Illumination Ritual.  There is a full programme of events to come, starting on Mosiah 8th with a film tribute to Marcus Garvey’s Koromantee heritage, via the life and mission of the legendary “Chieftaness” Nanny.  The event starts at 7pm and takes place at ARM HQ 282 High Road Leyton E10 5PW (


The definitive guide to the Mosiah season, the Mosiah Daily Affirmations (with the Alkebu-Lan at 30 special edition due to be published soon), outlines why the Mosiah Observance is so important:

“Papa Garvey is thus the embodiment of the aspirations, pride, vision and determination of our people to be completely free and liberated. He is the personification of the character we must possess to make this a reality.  Thus, when we celebrate the life and legacy of Papa Garvey, we evoke and absorb his indomitable spirit and legacy, with the will to emulate his character and achievements.” (2)


Marcus Garvey and the UNIA-ACL provided the Blackprint for our liberation.  The extent to which it is engaged with and applied is ultimately in the gift of the people it was developed for – global Afrika.  The current status of Afrikans globally certainly suggests that the Blackprint is not Agenda item number one for far too many Afrikans.  This can be evidenced by our young being killed on the streets, our high rates of physical and mental ill-health and our inability to build meaningful, self-determining institutions.  It also means that we’re liable to be regarded with disdain and disrespect by other people.


A case in point is the controversy surrounding the 4th Africa International Day of Action, organised by Rastafari Movement UK and the Nation Of Islam.  On the previous show we reported that the prohibitive conditions being put on the organisers in order to receive a local authority license for the event seemed to have resolved and the license was granted.


However, the evening before the event the organisers received the following notice from Lambeth Council, which was read out at the event and transcribed by Afrika Speaks:


“This event permit ensures the event will be conducted in accordance with the London borough of Lambeth.


Event: Lambeth Park


Event: Hire terms and conditions


Special requirements:

·        There will be no live or recorded broadcast or a speech by Minister Louis Farrakhan and the event will not be addressed by any other person speaking on his behalf.

·        The licensee will not permit the dissemination of any communication, either in the promotion of the event or during it’s course, that is offensive, threatening abusive or which might encourage or incite crime or lead to disorder including expressions of hatred towards someone on account of that persons colour, race, disability, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or gender and any other communication which might cause harassment, alarm or distress.

·        It is the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that this is adhered to and that any organisation, group or individual participating in, exhibiting or selling goods at the event complies with this requirement.

·        There must be no promotion on content associated with the Minister Louis Farrakhan and the event will not be addressed by any other person speaking on his behalf or the Nation of Islam.

·        The event must be open and accessible to all regardless of that person’s colour, race, disability, nationality, including citizenship, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation or gender.”


The notice effectively serves as a gagging order on a community organisation , that should leave freedom of speech advocates very concerned.  No rationale for the gagging order has been advanced.  It is true that Minister Louis Farrakhan was banned from the UK in 1986, this ban was lifted after a successful court action in 2001 only to be overturned on appeal  the following year by the then Labour Home Secretary David Blunkett. (3)  On the other hand it is also true that, according to our enquiries with the NOI in the UK, Minister Farrakhan is banned nowhere else in the world (including Israel).  The leader of the NOI has never been implicated in any criminality or disturbance, as is the case for his Europe representative Minister Abdul Hakeem Muhammad.


Even the Irish Republican Army (IRA), who were responsible for 1,800 deaths (650 civilian) between the late 1960s and late 1990s (4) were allowed to have there words represented publicly, even if they were spoken by an actor. (5)


Listeners may be thinking that the restrictions are the actions of a reactionary, ideologically driven right wing local authority.  It is not.  Lambeth is an overwhelmingly Labour council (58 councillors out of 63).  This comes on the back of several Afrikan activists and celebrities urged us to vote Labour in the recent general election.  (6)  Moreover, not only does Lambeth have in Marcia Cameron, an Afrikan Mayor, Councillor Sonia Winifred, the cabinet member with responsibility for the borough’s parks (as well as  “delivering the work of the Equalities Commission and overseeing Equalities Impact Assessments”) and Councillor Donatus Anyanwu, “Lead Member for Community Relations” responsible for “is responsible for engaging with the borough’s diverse communities and developing and implementing the council’s long-term community relations strategy,” are also Afrikan. (7)


Some observers say this highlights the folly of voting for Jeremy Corbyn who is singularly unable to transform a party that has for generations canvassed for the Black vote but delivered little to nothing in return.


Conversely, it is also an opportune time to revisit Marcus Garvey’s Blackprint, eschewing white and black politicians that are destined to impede our path to liberation.


(1) Kat Hopps (05/08/17) Edson Da Costa’s mother dies after ‘she could no longer cope with the death of her son’.
(2) Bro. Ldr Mbandaka  (2017) Mosiah Daily Affirmations – Prophetic Utterances of The Most Eminent Prophet and King His Excellency – Marcus Mosiah Garvey.  Soul Force Promotions.  p. vii
(3)  BBC News (30/04/02) Farrakhan British ban stays.
(4) Brian Lavery (17/07/02) I.R.A. Apologizes for Civilian Deaths in Its 30-Year Campaign.
(5) Francis Welch (05/04/05) The ‘broadcast ban’ on Sinn Fein.
(6) Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan (05/06/17) Is Jeremy Corbyn the Prime-Minister We’ve Been Waiting For?


we ask the question:

Government “Gagging Order” Against NOI – What Does Really Mean?

1.       How has the Mosiah season been for you so far?

2.       Was the Lambeth “gagging order” legal ?

3.       Is really just a matter for the Nation Of Islam or are there wider implications?

4.       What would be the best response?

5.       Is there still any purpose in voting Labour?

6.       Should his supporters call upon Jeremy Corbyn to intervene.

7.       How do we implement the Blackprint?


Our very special guests:

Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka: Resident guest who is Spiritual Leader of the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement and UNIA-ACL Ambassador for the UK and national co-Chair of the interim National Afrikan People’s Parliament.  Bro. Ldr is a veteran activist of over 30 years standing, a featured columnist in The Whirlwind newspaper and author of Mosiah Daily Affirmations and Education: An African-Centred Guide To Excellence.

Minister Abdul Hakeem Muhammad (Invited)of the Nation of Islam.  Minister Abdul is the the European regional representative of the Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan and is co-organiser, along with RMUK of the  4th Africa International Day of Action.