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We begin by extending sincere condolences to the families of two recently fallen warriors that have passed into the Ancestral Realm. May the spirits of Baba Bankie Forster Bankie and Bro. Jaiyeola Bagbansoro rise on the wings of Ma’at after a favourable judgement in the Counsel of Asar. We also acknowledge the passing of legendary activist, author, comedian and natural health advocate Baba Dick Gregory, may his spirit also be warmly received within the realm of the Deities.
It was nearly a century ago (97 years last Umoja-day to be exact) that the UNIA-ACL’s International Convention of the Afrikan People of the world adopted the “Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World” The document was at once a stinging rebuke of the injustices suffered by Afrikans in the European world as well as being a manifesto for global Afrikan liberation, functioning as a:
“Protest against the wrongs and injustices they are suffering at the hands of their white brethren, and state what they deem their fair and just rights, as well as the treatment they propose to demand of all men in the future.” (1)
The intervening years, up to the present have seen insufficient inoculation from the “tragedy of white injustice.” this is typified by the tonight’s theme in general and the specific cases we’ll be dealing with.
There are some uncanny similarities in the lives of Frederico “Edson” Da Costa and Rashan Charles. Both were young fathers in their 20s living in the north, eastern part of London. The similarities eerily continued when both encountered the police while travelling as a passenger on June 15 and July 21 respectively. Edson died in hospital 6 days after his encounter with the police at which “force and CS spray” was used. (2) There were also allegations that Bro. Edson had suffered multiple fractures of the skull and neck, although the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) put out a statement saying this was not the case. (3) However, they haven’t yet found the need to clarify the varying rumours swirling around certain sections of the press that Bro. Edson died of a hear attack as a result as a result of ingesting drugs or choked when packages of the said drugs became lodged in his throat. The IPCC have not seen fit to confirm in two months whether it’s one, or the other, both or neither. The effect has been to almost indelibly link Edson to drugs. (4)
Bro. Rashan’s fate was rather more immediate, occurring almost instantaneously at the Yours Locally shop in Kingsland Road or in hospital the following day, depending on which account you accept. Viral CCTV images of 20 year old Rashan being dragged to the ground and being forcefully restrained and sat upon by a member of the public until his body went limp, evoking memories of Clinton McCurbin in Wolverhampton in three decades ago.. (5)
The press also managed to attach the spectre of drugs to Rashan, indicating that he had swallowed drugs until , until this rumour was proved false. (6)
As it stands there have been no reports of any disciplinary measures taken against any officer involved in either case. The Borough commander in Edson’s case stated: “All police officers are fully aware that they will be asked to account for their actions, officers are not exempt from the law and we would not wish to be.” (7) While in the Rashan case there are “no grounds to suspend the officers” at present. (8)
For many such statements will only confirm the belief that a “culture of impunity” consumes the Metropolitan Police from the top down (9) as the prime minister is content to sit on the deaths in custody review that she herself commissioned while home secretary. (10) Meanwhile the Afrikan community is subject to a 1100% over representation in having force used against it by the Met. (11).
Such tragedies always exact a heavy toll on the families – fatally in the case of Edson Da Costa’s mother who’s son’s death “weighed down on her heart and she could no longer cope” (12)
Yet the families have shared platforms and are trying to find a way forward. At one such gathering Edson’s father Ginario Da Costa declared:
“The justice for Edson campaign will continue to fight for justice, not only for Edson or Rashan, but for all those young black men who have been killed in police custody through the use of excessive force.” (13)
In a season given over to celebrating the legacy of our greatest ever organiser – Marcus Mosiah Garvey, it seems clear that any campaign for justice must draw upon his indomitable Blackprint.
(1) Robert Hill, ed., (1983) The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Papers, vol. 2 (University of California Press), 571–580.
(2) Steve Robson (23/06/17) Dad dies after police use ‘force’ and CS spray during arrest – family claim neck broken in two places. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/justice-for-edson-metropolitan-police-10672926
(3) Rebecca Flood (26/06/17) Fake social media claims about death Edson Da Costa spark vicious street battle. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/821445/fake-social-media-claim-neck-broken-Edson-Da-Costa-street-riot-violence-police
(4) Toby Meyjes (28/06/17) Man who died in custody ‘had drugs overdose from packets in his throat’. http://metro.co.uk/2017/06/28/man-who-died-in-custody-had-drugs-overdose-from-packets-in-his-throat-6739660/#ixzz4qHF19Iwo
(5) 4WardEver UK (2010) Clinton McCurbin : Lethal neck-hold kills again. https://4wardeveruk.org/cases/youth-cases-uk/police-restraint/clinton-mccurbin/.
(6) The Voice Online (03/08/17) IPCC: Rashan Charles did not swallow “controlled substance.” http://www.voice-online.co.uk/article/ipcc-rashan-charles-did-not-swallow-controlled-substance
(7) Flood. Op. Cit.
(8) Ramzy Alwakeel (29/07/17) Rashan Charles and Edson Da Costa’s families address crowds outside Stoke Newington police station after Dalston protest. http://www.hackneygazette.co.uk/news/rashan-charles-and-edson-da-costa-s-families-address-crowds-outside-stoke-newington-police-station-after-dalston-protest-1-5127216
(9) Amie Gordon (23/02/17) Jean Charles de Menezes’ family slam ‘offensive’ appointment of Cressida Dick as Met police chief after she ran operation which killed innocent Brazilian. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4251310/Jean-Charles-Menezes-family-slam-Met-police-chief.html#ixzz4qFnbz85Q
(10) Rachael Burnett (03/07/17) Theresa May accused of suppressing report into deaths in police custody. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/there-may-police-custody-deaths-report-amber-rudd-human-rights-a7820651.html
(11) Press Association (03/08/17) Rashan Charles: Diane Abbott says police watchdog’s findings will ‘cause deep concern’. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/rashan-charles-latest-died-diane-abbott-police-watchdog-deep-concern-not-controlled-substance-a7874206.html
(12) The Voice Online (07/08/17) Edson Da Costa’s mother dies ‘of heartbreak’. http://www.voice-online.co.uk/article/edson-da-costas-mother-dies-heartbreak
(13) Alwakeel. Op Cit.
we ask the question:
Deaths in custody – Will we ever get justice? Part 6?
1) Have you ever read the UNIA-ACL’s Declaration Of Rights?
2) Do the police, IPCC and media work together to mis-characterise victims of police violence?
3) Why has it taken two months (and counting) to clarify the circumstances around Edson da Costa’s death ?
4) Should the “citizen” involved in Rashan Charles’ death be arrested.?
5) What practical lessons can we learn from the Garvey Movement to develop an effective campaign for justice?
Our very special guests:
Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka: Resident guest who is Spiritual Leader of the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement and UNIA-ACL Ambassador for the UK and national co-Chair of the interim National Afrikan People’s Parliament. Bro. Ldr is a veteran activist of over 30 years standing, a featured columnist in The Whirlwind newspaper and author of Mosiah Daily Affirmations and Education: An African-Centred Guide To Excellence.
Bro. Vernon Williams: Veteran community activist and campaigner . bro. Vernon is former councillor in the London borough of Hackney and has been central to the campaign for justice for Eli Hall who was shot dead by the police in 2001.