HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174
As the Mosiah Season 6257 (2017) draws to a close it is appropriate to take stock of the state of the global Afrikan community 130 years after the birth of he Most Eminent Prophet and King His Excellency – Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
In 1987, in the wake of the Berlin conference just two years earlier, the major European powers had just transitioned from institutionalised chattel enslavement into colonialism (although some, less influential states still utilised the old form). The consequence being that European powers controlled virtually the entire continent,while Afrikans abroad, just a generation or out of chattel enslavement still largely existed in peonage. (1)
in terms of broadly evaluating where Afrikans in the UK are at currently, Bro. Ifayomi Grant offers this stark analysis:
”There is slim to no hope of the formation of any coherent group identity and power, and therefore Afrikans in the UK will simply continue to live and die as atomised individuals, or at best part of fragmented groups.” (2)
He adds that these themes are “pretty similar” for Afrikans outside the UK, except for some “contextual changes.” (3)
Making reference to the work Dr Claud Anderson Bro. Ifayomi highlights the absence of consensus on our identity nor a shared value system on which it can be based. Dr Anderson further identifies five levels required for a group to build power within a society: 1. Economics, 2. Politics, 3. Legal/Criminal Justice System, 4. Media, 5. Education. (4)
One of the key indicators is our collective inability to create a sound economic base. Some of the reasons for this will be debated at the final Mosiah Month community session on 29/08: The Great Mosiah Debate: does Marcus Garvey have the right strategy for economic warfare? A debate featuring UNIA Ambassador for UK Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka and Bro. Kevin Bismark Cobham, a Cambridge educated criminal defence and movement lawyer and pan-Afrikanist.
The event will address issues such as: Was Marcus Garvey a Capitalist?; Are boycotts & buy Black campaign effect tools of activism? Does “Black Capitalism” have a role in the Black Activism? And takes place at Mama Afrika Kulcha Shap from 7pm (
Whatever the perspectives on the correct economic approach, most would probably agree that progress in this sphere will only come out of collective action. Eminent psychologist, the late Amos Wilson suggests that nation building is key:
“Ultimately if we are control our destiny, as Marcus indicated, we must become self-governing. A nationalism not talking about self-government, not constructing a national network, not constructing a national economic, social and political system, is a false nationalism.” (5)
There have been several attempts, past and present to establish a nationwide body with varying degrees of success. At the passing of Papa Garvey when the UNIA-ACL had two divisions in the UK. (6) Since 2015 there has been two divisions again in the UK, that where officially inaugurated in 2016 – Mosiah Division #304 and One Aim #306.
The developments in the UK are largely the result of work of a resurgent UNIA-ACL parent body under President General Hon. Senghor Jawara Baye (2008-2016), that has continued under current President General Hon. Michael Duncan.
President Duncan is seeking to develop the UNIA-ACL’s economic fortunes through initiatives like Federation of African Caribbean American-Restaurant Owners Corps, (FACA-ROC). The UNIA has purchased trucks and leased a 15,000 square foot warehouse in Queens New York to store restaurant produce and supplies, cutting out the middle man and targeting the more than $52 million dollars a year that New York restaurants spend on supplies that currently enriches other people. (7)
As indicated above, galvanising our people around a national agenda continues to be challenging. Yet what has worked in the past with initiatives like the Garvey Movement, the Black Panther’s breakfast and health programmes (8) and now the indicators for the Federation of African Caribbean American-Restaurant Owners Corps is that once a movement can meet basic needs (food, health, employment) it is has the potential to galvanise the people.
(1) Clarke, John Henrik (1991) Notes For An African World Revolution: Africans at the Crossroads. Africa World Press, pp 185-7.
(2) Paul Ifayomi Grant (August 2015) The Navig8or Newsletter.
(3) Ibid.
(4) Ibid.
(5) Amos N Wilson (1999) Afrikan-Centred Consciousness Verus The New World Order: Garveyism in the Age of Globalism. Afrikan World InfoSystems. p. 75
(6) Wilson, p. xi
(7) Safiyyah Muhammad (23/02/2017) NY UNIA Leadership Rebuilds Garvey’s Self-Reliance Program.
(8) Jon Valadez (1992) Passin’ It On – The Black Panthers’ Search for Justice. Independent Television Service (ITVS) and Nosotros Moving Pictures.
we ask the question:
Can we build the UNIA in the UK??
How has the Mosiah Season been for you?
Could something like the FACA-ROC be replicated here?
Could we implement Claud Anderson’s five levels and what impact would it have?
How important is it to develop an economic base?
Does the legacy of Garveyism help or hinder today’s UNIA-ACL?
Our very special guests:
Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka: Resident guest who is Spiritual Leader of the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement and UNIA-ACL Ambassador for the UK and national co-Chair of the interim National Afrikan People’s Parliament. Bro. Ldr is a veteran activist of over 30 years standing, a featured columnist in The Whirlwind newspaper and author of Mosiah Daily Affirmations and Education: An African-Centred Guide To Excellence.
Ras Shanga B: Veteran community activist and President of UNIA-ACL Division #306. Has been involved in the Co-ordinating Committee for the August Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March. Ras Shanga B also presents shows on Galaxy Radio on Wednesday (1pm-4pm) and Friday (3am-6am).
President General Michael Duncan: 10th Successor of the Most Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, 11th President General of the UNIA-ACL!
Hear weekly discussions and lively debate on all issues affecting the Afrikan community, at home and abroad. We talk it straight and make it plain!
ASwA Hosted by Sis Kai Ouagadou-Mbandaka and Bro ShakaRa
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Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan
Galaxy Radio | 102.5fm | (To listen live)
HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174
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