After attending the successful Africa Liberation Day (ALD) event organised by the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP) along with PASCF and in Collaboration with Sounds Systems Outernational in London on Saturday May 25th, Afrika Speaks broadcasts live from day two the Pan-African Congress Movement (PACM) ALD event in Birmingham.
A key point emphasised again and again at the London event both by the panel of Michelle Yaa Asantewa, Verona Spence-Adofo and Win Afuah Oppong and keynote speaker Dr Kimani Nehusi was the importance of culture and spirituality to Afrikan liberation. Indeed, Dr Nehusi acknowledged the historical trajectory that saw the highly political orientation buttressed with the growing spiritual/cultural awareness.
This theme was suitably reinforced in Birmingham by international guest Dr Ashra Kwesi when he delivered is message African Divinity and Spirituality and The Origin Of Christianity on the first day of the event. Dr. Nehusi also spoke in Birmingham where he lamented the absence of equivalent Afrikan structures to the emerging global decision-making bodies like the Belton Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union.
For this show we’ll be gauging the response to these arguments while taking in the vibration of the event from those in attendance.
we ask the question:
Afrikan liberation – is it at hand?
1) Which ALD events have you been to this year?
2) What are the most pressing issues affecting the Afrikan world?
3) Are we on track for liberation?
4) If not, what do we need to do to be so? Table