Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan on Galaxy Radio 03/08/20 – How do we ensure Garveyism for the next generation?

August 3, 2020 Alkebu-Lan



Those Afrikans that were unborn or just born when the first community Mosiah Season was observed in 1998, now constitute the largest age group of Afrikans in the UK. (1)

Within the context of the ongoing George Floyd/BLM protests this generation should be ripe to take up the Garveyite mantle. However, as the coverage (and we use the word advisedly) of those protests and even the “Reparations Rebellion Grounding” suggests, “Race First”, a fundamental Garveyite principle wasn’t necessarily a paramount imperative. (2)

Yet the Eminent Prophet and King did affirm: “Chance has never yet satisfied the hope of a suffering people. Action, self-reliance, the vision of self and the future have been the only means by which the oppressed have seen and realized the light of their own freedom.” (3) This suggests that an ad hoc approach is not sufficient. Indeed, if we refer to the testimony of legendary lifelong Garveyite the late Queen Mama Mariamne Samad, the solution is a grounding in comprehensive socio-cultural environment, enabling her to “grow up Garveyite.” However, it’s an approach likely to be opposed by the likes of Black Lives Matter and others who balk at manifestations of Black Nationalism. (4)

(1) (22/08/18) Age groups.

(2) mike urban (01/08/20) Photos: Huge crowds at Brixton Reparations Day march and rally, Sat 1st Aug 2020.

(3) Marcus Garvey (2009) Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey. Journal Of Pan-African Studies ebook. p. 1

(4) Barbara Ransby (2015) The Class Politics of Black Lives Matter.

We ask the question:

How do we ensure Garveyism for the next generation?

1) Is a “Race First” agenda viable in today’s climate?

2) Do we need non-Afrikan “allies!” to make the inroads we need?

3) How can we get our children “grow up Garveyite.”?

4) What kind of “Action” and “vision of self and the future” do we need to attain self-relaiance?

Our special Guest:

Minister Malak: is a minister within the Afrikan World Federation