WE Have saved our community’s building.
282 High Road Leyton remains in our hands.
We want to say a massive TATENDA (THANK YOU) to all the Sisters and Brothers who contributed to helping us with your love, kind words, well wishes and your money. Many of you who were not able to make a financial contribution helped us to spread the word. We apprecilove all your tremendous efforts. We would like to livicate this programme to thanking all those who supported us.
Due to your tremendous efforts and excellent support, we have been able to raise £6612 to help save our building from repossession. TATENDA!
There is also £710 in outstanding pledges and other pledges of an unspecified amount.
A few of our members clubbed together to put a sizeable amount to cover the short fall. This is in the form of a loan so the fundraising programme continues.
We also realise that this can’t happen again so we also want to use this show to rally our community behind the relaunch of our Community Sponsorship Programme where you can make a monthly contribution to support us in:
1. Helping us to pay the mortgage and the general maintenance
2. Supporting us with refurbishment of the building into a first-class, well-resourced Educational and Cultural Institution for our Community.
At the time we acquired the building in Mosiah 2003, it already housed our economic enterprise Mama Afrika Kulcha Shap that had been running for seven years. The intention was to transform the premises into a fully functional for the community hub and to consolidate the work of the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement. Since that time we have extended our Rites Of Passage programme to facilitate several initiation ceremonies; established The Whirlwind newspaper; began broadcasting Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan, initially on Voice Of Africa Radio and subsequently on Galaxy Radio; out of our children’s programme we established the Alkebu-Lan Academy of Excellence (“Saturday School”); started The Ma’at Academy of Excellence Pre-school which became the Ma’at Academy of Excellence Home School Collective and last year began Alkebu-Lan Food Relief, delivering provisions to our Elders and vulnerable amidst the rampant lockdown agenda.
The building has also been used to host a range initiatives and programmes at different times including Shumira (traditional Afrikan Worship), Vimbo Verenga (Faith Studies), Nommo Sessions and the vast majority of our annual Mosiah Observance events.
Advocacy services for education and employment. It has also been available to hire for community organisations. Unfortunately, we were not able to sustain Mama Afrika Kulcha Shap but that space has been lined up for another commercial venture that will contribute significantly to our income and our community’s health and well-being.
So, please join us in thanking and celebrating our collective achievement and moving forward together.
The Liberation Movement cannot be sustained on government grants (perish lthe thought), ad hoc fundraising or random acts of philanthropy alone. It requires a systemic, strategic approach to ensure that those that serve us, are properly resourced to do. This is wider than the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement but the applies to liberation Movements as a whole.
To make your contribution & for further info, our bank details are: Nat West; A/C Name: Mama Afrika; A/C No: 23503351; S/C: 560017, or call: 07908 814 152 or 07939 292 720.
Unite, Organise Now or Perish!!!
Rise You Mighty People!!!
So we ask the question
How can we fund the Afrikan Liberation Movement?
1) Do we know how liberation organisations are funded now?
2) Are you able to support ARM’S Community Sponsorship Programme?
3) Is the solution just to establish viable businesses?
4) What role does development building play?
Our Special Guest:
Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka: Resident guest who is Spiritual Leader of the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement and an Afrikan-Centred Education Consultant. Bro. Ldr is a veteran activist of almost 40 years standing, a featured columnist in The Whirlwind newspaper and author of Mosiah Daily Affirmations and Education: An African-Centred Approach To Excellence.