Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan on Galaxy Radio 23/05/22 – How do we tackle the threats facing Afrikans globally?

May 23, 2022 Alkebu-Lan

Three years ago Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan asked the question ALD: What does “Liberation” look like?  The issues discussed included how close we have come to the original (albeit) compromised objectives of the Organisation of African Unity that established Afrika Liberation Day (ALD) on May 25th 1963:

(a) To promote the unity and solidarity of the African States;

(b) To coordinate and intensify their cooperation and efforts to achieve a better life for the peoples of Africa;

(c) To defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity and independence;

(d) To eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa… (2)

The ensuing discussion surmised that although Afrika may be ‘independent’ (i.e. each nation state has a flag and anthem), it is certainly not liberated.  The “Africa on the rise” narrative that was gaining traction at the time has been thoroughly de-bunked. (3) Moreover, Ethiopia, then lauded for having the world’s fasting growing economy has had war declared on it after it departed from the ‘international community’s’ prescribed agenda. (4) Rwanda has shamelessly prostrated itself before the world to manage a penal institution on its own soil on behalf of the UK government. (5)  And while the globe is being urged to stand with Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression, the USA has just buttressed its bombing campaign in Somalia by sending in troops. (6)

In addition to these and many other challenges at home over the last three years, we’ve seen the advent of the covid pan/plan/scam-denic that has battered Afrikans abroad in the UK, USA and Caribbean. (7)

For those that had forgotten, the existential threat Afrikans face everyday abroad, the events in Buffalo, New York on May 14th were a stark reminder, when a white teenager planned, scoped and actioned the execution of ten Afrikans before being peacefully detained by police (though it’s not clear if they treated him to a meal). (8)

We raise up the names of those slain and their families and send are prayers and deepest condolences: Ruth Whitfield, 86; Pearl Young, 77; Katherine Massey, 72; Heyward Patterson, 67; Celestine Chaney, 65; Geraldine Talley, 62; Aaron Salter, 55; Andre Mackneil, 53; Margus D. Morrison, 52, Roberta A. Drury, 32.

Much has been made since of the so-called ‘white replacement theory” and how it has become “mainstream.” (9)  Yet over fifty years ago legendary psychiatrist, now Ancestor, Mama Frances Cress Welsing drafted The Cress Theory that cogently explains the motivation for this tendency among people classified as white:

“The Color-Confrontation theory states that the white or color-deficient Europeans responded psychologically, with a profound sense of numerical inadequacy and color inferiority, in their confrontations with the majority of the world’s people — all of whom possessed varying degrees of color-producing capacity. This psychological response, whether conscious or unconscious, revealed an inadequacy based on the most obvious and fundamental part of their being, their external appearance. As might be anticipated in terms of modern psychology theories, whites defensively developed an uncontrollable sense of hostility and aggression. This attitude has continued to manifest itself throughout the history of mass confrontations between whites and people of color. That the initial hostility and aggression came only from whites is recorded in innumerable diaries, journals and books written by whites. Also, records indicate that only after long periods of great abuse have non-whites responded defensively with any form of counterattack. This perplexing psychological reaction of whites has been directed towards all people with the capacity to produce melanin. However, the most profound aggressions have been directed towards Black people, who have the greatest color potential and, therefore, are the most envied and feared in genetic color competition.” (10)

In the absence of this kind of analysis we are liable to keep going around in circles, seeking “allies” that suffer from the same affliction.  Thus, being armed with this overstanding can present a challenge for some.  Echoing the sentiments of Papa Garvey, Mama Cress Welsing asserts:

“If we do not have confidence in our ability to make independent Black observations, Black analyses and Black plans for Black action, why should we talk about or seek Black liberation? One never should seek independence from those upon whom one feels permanently dependent, Black Fear for that would be an act of suicide. And, indeed, if that independence were won, it soon would be returned to the former state of dependence.” (11)

Thus, at home or abroad, only by building truly autonomous, Afrikan-centered institutions can we really set ourselves on the path to liberation.  In the midst of a war this requires Afrikans to know and analyse their enemies’ systems, structures and strategies.  This applies as much on the micro as macro level.  Once again Mama Francis Cress Welsing is instructive:

“Once the victims of oppression accurately and completely decode the system and its objective of oppression and once they fully analyse the symbols and patterns of logic, thought, speech, action emotional response and perception (consciously or unconsciously determined) that constitute the system, the oppressed will be able to reorganize their own behaviour effectively. This reorganization will result in self/group-respect and support, and thereby end their oppression.” (12)

The ’replacement theory’ advanced by the killer in Buffalo, may be seen by some as a new threat and by others merely a new label, but the seriousness of its adherents should not be underestimated.  Papa Garvey proclaimed “a strong man (or woman) is strong everywhere” (13) meaning that our salvation can only come from the restoration of Afrika as a global super power.  The only viable strategy then is the BLACKPRINT as outlined and demonstrated by the Most Eminent Prophet and King – His Excellency, Marcus Mosiah Garvey.  Global affairs are unequivocally showing us that the alternative is to perish.


May 28th

Pan-African Society Community Forum: Celebrating Afrikan Ingenuity, Resilience & Resistance (Online). Keynote address by Bro. Explo Nani-Kofi. -8.30pm.  This is a free event, but register via Eventbrite:

May 28th & 29th

Black Community Action: “Culture, Health, Education, Science & Technology, Industry, Economics.” Speakers; Mutabaruka, Dr Patricia Daley, Wayne B Chandler, Umar Johnson, Cecil Gutzmore, Dr Jewel Pookrum, Prof. PLO Lumumba, Dr. Melanie Stevenson. 11am-10pm. The Atrium, 99, Hucknall Road, NG5 1QZ.

May 29th

PACM: “The Grand African Renaissance Changing the game – New developments in Black History and Black Studies” (Online).  Keynote speaker: Robin Walker. 1pm-8pm.  PACM TV

The African People’s Socialist Party: “Relentless: 50 years of leadership towards African redemption” 2pm-8pm. 161 Clapham Manor Street, London, SW4 7TB. Date and time Sun, 29 May 2022 14:00 – 20:00 BST

(1) Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan on Galaxy Radio (06/05/18) ALD: What does “Liberation” look like?

(2) Tchioffo Kodjo (14/03/12) OAU Charter, Addis Ababa, 25 May 1963.

(3) Bro. Ldr Mbandaka (18/01/21) Is Afrika Really On The Rise?

(4) Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan on Galaxy Radio (28/03/22) Ethiopia: Do we know what’s going on? Pt 2

(5) Diane Taylor (16/04/22) Refugee who fled torture in Rwanda attacks UK asylum deal;

(6) Alex Findijs (19/05/22) Biden sends US troops back into Somalia.

(7) Lizzie Dearden (20/12/21) Ethnic minorities disproportionately impacted by Covid lockdowns, government admits.; Lindsay M. Monte and Daniel J. Perez-Lopez (21/07/21) COVID-19 Pandemic Hit Black Households Harder Than White Households, Even When Pre-Pandemic Socio-Economic Disparities Are Taken Into Account.; Daphne Ewing-Chow (26/04/22) In The Caribbean, Severe Food Insecurity Has Increased By 72% In The Past Two Years.

(8) Natalia Marques (18/05/22) Massacre in Buffalo Exposes Rotten Core of White Supremacy in US.

(9) Deena Zaru (17/05/22) How ‘replacement theory’ became prominent in mainstream US politics.

(10), Dr Frances Cress Welsing (1991) The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy) in The Isis (Yssis) Papers: The Keys To The Colors Third World Press, p 4-5.

(11) Dr Frances Cress Welsing (1991) Black Fear and the Failure of Black Analytical  (Ideological) Commitment (1979) in The Isis (Yssis) Papers: The Keys To The Colors  Third World Press, p 92.

(12), Dr Frances Cress Welsing (1991) Learning to Look at Symbols (1979), in The Isis (Yssis) Papers: The Keys To The Colors Third World Press, p 53-4.

(13) Garvey’s Voice (06/08/20) Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey’s Famous Quotes.

we ask the question:

How do we tackle the threats facing Afrikans globally?

1) How close are we to achieving the aims of the OAU charter?

2) Has the ‘Afrika on the rise’ narrative now been de-bunked?

3) Is the ‘replacement theory’ a new threat or just a new label?

4) Do we lack the confidence to build autonomous, Afrikan-centered institutions?

Our Special Guest:

Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka: Resident guest who is Spiritual Leader of the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement and an Afrikan-Centred Education Consultant.  Bro. Ldr is a veteran activist of almost 40 years standing, a featured columnist in The Whirlwind newspaper and author of Mosiah Daily Affirmations and Education: An African-Centred Approach To Excellence.