Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan on Galaxy Radio 28/11/22 – What is the role of Pan-Afrikanism today?

November 28, 2022 Alkebu-Lan

In spite of being a ubiquitous concept, an agreed definition of Pan-Afrikanism has been hard to come by. (1)  Yet, it is accepted that at its heart, it is perceived as a vehicle to unite Afrikan people globally – even though methods can vary widely. 

However, in recent times the concept has come under increasing attack from within at the hands of academic and supposed grassroots activists, although some of these critiques do tend towards self-serving or even straw-man characterisations of the ideology.  These include notions of continentalist paternalism or the idea that it is little more than a “self-esteem booster.” (2)

Central to this is the attempt to define what constitutes the Black identity.  In the USA through the likes of American Descendants of Slavery” (ADOS) and Foundational Black Americans (#FBA), for example, we see the manifestation that rejects Afrikan identity, while embracing an American one., as well as all Afrikans considered not indigenous to the USA. (3)

Another dimension to the identity issue is related to but has been largely ignored in what is known as the Kyrie Irving controversy and the so-called Black Hebrew Israelites.  Core to this version is the biblical/Abrahamic account of Black origins that more or less excludes Afrika. (4)  The long reach of biblical influence on Afrikan minds is an ongoing challenge even within the more progressive elements of the community. (5)

Some commentators like cultural scientist ShakaRa assert the anti-Afrikan identity thrust is at its most virulent in elements of the reparations movement, ostensibly in opposition to the “Black world forming some consensus” around this issue amid the fallacious claim that it was the Afrikans on the continent that “sold us into slavery.” (6)  To do this they have had to advance what he calls “an anti-Afrikan pro-Blackness that is bale to pledge its allegiance to western imperialism, in the name of forwarding the cause of Black people.” (7)

While some consider ADOS/FBA a “Trojan Horse” to “to Hijack Black Identity and Weaken Black Unity in America” (8) they have garnered high profile support from the likes of Dr. Cornel West and Prof. James Small, lending a degree of credibility to their efforts. (9)

Nevertheless, ShakaRa is convinced the issue of Afrikan identity is the battle for this generation. Further, “if we don’t get the issue of identity correct, the fight is done.” (10)

(1) Hakim Adi (2019) Pan-Africanism: A History. Bloomsbury Academic. p. 2

(2) Kehinde Andrews (2018) Back To Black: Retelling Black Black Radicalism for the 21st Century. Zed Books. p. 37-66; Bryan 18X Crawford (27/05/19) ADOS Its origins, troublesome ties and fears it’s dividing Black folk in the fight for reparations.

(3) Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor (02/01/20) Understanding ADOS: The Movement to Hijack Black Identity and Weaken Black Unity in America.

(4) Princess Jones (08/02/19) My Visit To A Black Hebrew Israelite Meeting In Harlem.

(5) Mutabaruka (2016) A New Faculty of Interpretation.;id=39540

(6) Tafadzwa ShakaRa Mbandaka (02/10/22) Afrikan History: Spiritual Healing & Power. Alkebu-Lan Shumira.; Bro. Leader Mbandaka (27/04/07) Truth: Afrikans Did Not Sell Afrikans into Slavery!

(7) Tafadzwa ShakaRa Mbandaka. Op. cit.

(8) Ifayomi Grant (2019) Is #ADOS a Trojan Horse? Navig8or Newsletter; Mitchell Aiwuyor. Op, cit.

(9) Prof. James Small (05/11/22) FBA Reparations Rally in Washington, DC .; Mitchell Aiwuyor. Op, cit.

(10) Tafadzwa ShakaRa Mbandaka. Op. cit.

we ask the question:

What is the role of Pan-Afrikanism today?

1) How do you define Pan-Afrikanism?

2) Is the Reparations Movement really being used to sew anti-Afrikan division?

3) Can Biblical/Euro-American and Afrikan identities really be reconciled?

4) Is defining Afrikan identity the battle for this generation?

Our very special guests:

Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka: Resident guest who is Spiritual Leader of the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement and an Afrikan-Centered Education Consultant.  Bro. Ldr is a veteran activist of nearly 40 years standing, a featured columnist in The Whirlwind newspaper and author of Mosiah Daily Affirmations and Education: An African-Centred Approach To Excellence.

Bro. ShakaRa Mbandaka: the son of Bro. Ldr. Mbandaka, Father, Partner, Universal Afrikan Nationalist, Organiser, Spoken Word Activist, Writer, Cultural Scientist, Educator, Sema Tawi (