Every Monday 7pm-10pm

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Afrika Speaks: Do we have a vision of Excellence for our children’s education?

Posted by Alkebu-Lan on  April 24, 2017
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Category: Afrika Speaks
LISTEN LIVE! HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174   As part of the Alkebu-Lan Academy of Excellence’s 10th Anniversary celebrations this year, a ground breaking education conference is due to take place on Saturday April 29th. The event, titled Preparing Our Children For Excellence aims to push forward and features a range

Afrika Speaks: How do we Fight Mentacide?: Tribute to Bobby E. Wright

Posted by Alkebu-Lan on  April 13, 2017
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Category: Afrika Speaks
LISTEN LIVE! HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174   The 6th April 2017 marked the 35th Anniversary of the passing of Nana Bobby E. Wright.   Bobby E. Wright was one of the prolific Afrikan Centred Psychologists coming out of the Black Power era in the USA. In Introduction to Black Studies,
LISTEN LIVE! HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174 On April 4th Jamaica’s JLP Prime Minister Andrew Holness apologised “without equivocation” for the “grave injustice” meted out by the state against the Rastafari community in an April 1963 incident that has come to be known as the “Coral Gardens Massacre” or “Bad Friday”.

Afrika Speaks: Is it possible to be “transracial”?

Posted by Alkebu-Lan on  April 3, 2017
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Category: Afrika Speaks
LISTEN LIVE! HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174 Rachel Dolezal is back. For those who have forgotten (or never knew). Dolezal is the white woman who for 10 years pretended she was black before being publicly outed in 2015. Before being exposed by her parents, Dolezal was head of the Spokane, Washington

Westminster Attacks – part of the “clash of civilisations”?

Posted by Alkebu-Lan on  March 27, 2017
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Category: Afrika Speaks
LISTEN LIVE! HAVE YOUR SAY: 02071930174 Jihadist group Islamic State/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, etc, etc. (1) have claimed responsibility for the attack that took place in Westminster on 22/03 that left five dead, including the alleged assailant with ten times that amount suffering injuries. (2) British-born Muslim convert, 52-year-old Khalid Masood (previously known