Every Monday 7pm-10pm
Hear weekly discussions and lively debate on all issues affecting the Afrikan community, at home and abroad. We talk it straight and make it plain!
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4-6 pm Eastern Caribbean Time
12-2 pm Pacific Standard Time
1-3 pm Mountain Standard Time
2-4 pm Central Standard Time
3-4 pm Eastern Standard Time
Click here for full MOSIAH Details ((LISTEN LIVE HERE!)) ((Hotline: 07438154351 | 07399359614)) GARVEY LIVES! MOSIAH LIVES! One of the key triumphs of the Garvey Movement was its capacity to mobilise Afrikan people around an economic vision in ways that have not been achieved since. A mere five years after
Click here for full MOSIAH Details ((LISTEN LIVE HERE!)) ((Hotline: 07438154351 | 07399359614)) GARVEY LIVES! MOSIAH LIVES! Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan is honoured to host the 10th UNIA-ACL President General Right Honourable Baba Senghor Jawara Baye, the 9thsuccessor to the Most Eminent Prophet and King, His Excellency Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
GARVEY LIVES! MOSIAH LIVES! ((LISTEN LIVE HERE!)) Increasing numbers of Afrikans are coming around to the notion that the eighth month of the year is now called Mosiah. In a 1997 message at the Alkebu-Lan Family Forum entitled How Long Shall They Kill Our Prophets… The Apologise? Reparations Now! Bro.
Afrika Speaks: Is Economic Empowerment and Effective Response to Police Violence?
Category: Afrika Speaks
LISTEN LIVE HERE! With the Mosiah season, historically and contemporarily a period of intense Afrikan activism, just around corner we continue our reasoning of issues that have coalesced around #blacklivesmatter. Some of these will also be explored at the upcoming NOMMO event taking place on Friday 29th July 2016 under
TENDAI MWARI THE NOMMO SESSIONS NOMMO is the, monthly interactive session for the Afrikan community, presented by the Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement. On the last Friday of every month, you can rap, reason and re-energise with like-minded Sisters and Brothers through film, music and the spoken word in its many forms.